5 Lessons I Learned By Manifesting My Soulmate / The Man Of My Dreams

by | soulmates

Manifesting your soulmate or the mate of your dreams, will be the most eye opening experience you’ve ever witnessed in your own life.

Here are 5 Lessons I learned by Manifesting Mine:

  1. God is not just good. He is GREAT.  He is going to give you BETTER than you expected, desired or wanted, when you stay on the path of righteousness.  That means the LOVE you experience will far surpass what you ever imagined.
  2. Surrender to God is necessary to manifest your true soulmate. We have many soulmates in this world, but most times it comes down to unrequited love.  For both people to deeply be in love requires a deep connection to God. You must be slayed by God.  Getting slayed by God can be quite painful and confusing. At times you may even feel like your life is falling apart. In reality, everything is coming together.
  3. You must lose in order to gain.  You will have to get rid of some people and some things. Things like your broken mindset, fears and traumas. You will need loads of divine confidence. Many people will leave you. Even people you left long ago will part this earth in order to make room for the new.
  4. You must feel WORTHY & DESERVING of manifesting your soulmate.  Cause like I said, when they get there you may be wondering “What did I do to deserve this person?”  You will have to forgive yourself for your past behavior, back when you didn’t get it right. You did the best you could.
  5. FEAR and love can not co-exist. Either you want to risk it all for a chance to experience the greatest love you’ve ever felt. Or you are going to sit there in fear wondering if you’re good enough, wondering if you’re ready, or fearing rather you’re getting played or if this is really real. CHOOSE LOVE. It’s a must that you learn to TRUST yourself enough to CHOOSE LOVE.  You may be surprised what you find on the other side.

Written with Love,
