In this lifetime, they teach you everything, except what you need to know.

What you need to know are:

1. How to LOVE

2. How to Attract Money

3. How To Communicate

4. How to Sell

5. How to have faith

If you love money, communication, God AND sales, chances are you are a millionaire.  If you love all of those things and you’re in love, then you are very much a conscious millionaire.

Love and money go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly, or lemon coated strawberries.  My friend got some of those for her wedding anniversary. I didn’t even know they had lemon coated strawberries.

Anyway, let’s pause on food for a second, and get back to business.  What I’ve learned is that if you learned how to LOVE, the rest will come easy to you.

I came across this meme, and but of course it touched my heart, as we know that I LOVE love.


So let’s discuss.

  1. Promise without forgetting. – Proverbs 13:12 says “Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
        but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” This is really beautiful. The meme tells us to promise without forgetting. I definitely forget A LOT and could remember more.  This makes me aware to probably WRITE my promises down, so that I will remember to come thru.  But the other layer of this is that when you HOPE God will give you something, you get sick and tired of waiting and not having after a while. But if you accept with faith, that he already said YES, then your wish is fulfilled, and you can happily go about your business. 
  2. Proverbs 17:1 says – Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife. Loud arguments do not win fights, it’s about calmness and reaching an understanding. 

That’s it for now.  Big lists don’t help people as much as 1 single, strong shift does.  The overall list does an excellent job of showing you that you can always do better.

Wanna heal and get to love a lot faster?  Inbox me on social media.