There are a barrage of reasons why people fail on social media. But here are the deeper reasons that stop genius entrepreneurs from succeeding.
1. Worrying about what others think of you. Listen, people are judgemental AF. They really are. They will always judge you based upon your status, income, knowledge, success and your ability to thrive. It’s simply human psychology. So instead of being mad, PHUCK THE PEOPLE WHO DON’T LIKE YOU and FOCUS ON THE ONES WHO WANT TO BUY. Also phuck the sleeping people who prefer to say they want to stay under the bridge where it’s safe, instead of walking on top of the damn rainbow and eating skittles while doing it. Personally, people who are not deeply tapped in spiritually don’t get me and I moved past trying to help them do so.
2. FOCUS mayne – Now that you can give two phucks of what people online think of you. What are you selling? How much? What’s the strategy? What does your target audience need to hear in order to buy?
3. Logic Over Emotions – Obviously if you keep showing up to sell, people will buy. So why be in your emotions, saying you’re not going to feel worthy or good enough, UNTIL people buy? People buy when you believe in your damn self. Period.
4. Wishy Wash – When you are indecisive and can’t stick with a plan, the Universe will be indecisive in pouring money into your bank account. When you stick with the energy and vibration of sophistication, luxury and knowing what you are doing and money will flow to you continuinously. Money is simply a form of energy. Marry that b*tch!
5. Self-Comparsion – Listen. A lot of people are rich and a lot of people aren’t rich. Who gives a phuck. Today is about you being rich and getting rich. People don’t know more than you on YOUR TOPIC. They know more on THEIR topic. That self comparison makes you feel like you need more info before you move or feel worthy of wealth. YOU DON’T. Period.
6. You give out so much free value that you leave people no room to pay you. For instance, before I gave you these numbered points. This email was good enough. These points will make some people feel like they are healed now and don’t need me for few days. Sorry. That’s the way people are. Give the WHAT. Not the HOW. If you are an over-giver like me, create a system to overgive and charge.
7. SYSTEMS – Listen, it’s cool being popular on social media. But people hate the truth, and when you are a truthful person it gets boring talking to a bunch of sleeping mthkers. Last just be honest. Team Pacify Me is not your tribe. They will only get so far. So you want to create systems in your business that generate consistent leads and turn followers into dollars. I call them DOLLOWERS. Followers who actually BUY. Guess who has a system to give you? Pick a coach.
8. You’re trying to figure out how to be something that you already are. Decide to When you DECIDE to BE the person you always wanted to be and show up as that person, the money and things that person is supposed to have will come to you.
9. LACK OF FAITH – When you step up with courage and faith that everything will work out for you, you become a divine conduit of money.
10. CONFIDENCE – If nothing else, I convince my clients that they are worthy of receiving whatever they want right now. What do you need in order to believe that you are worthy of having a luxirious life, being financially free, highly successful, happy and with a ton of happy clients NOW? When you do what you really love MONEY FINDS YOU.
NOW, WHILE you are reading The Members of The Masterpiece Tribe are collecting more joy, love, followers, money, and CONFIDENCE. Period.
And my 1 on 1 clients are so confident, they are moving into bigger spaces, doubling their income and feeling amazing!
It’s a VIBE. There is no other like me. And there is no other like you. You are here for a powerful reason. Work with me and discover your hidden greatness.